Introduce yourself tell something about your last project.
Which framework
you have used and why?
Why automation ?
Write the format of XML file for BATCH
How synchronisation resolved in automation?
How many wait statements you know ?
What is
Have u used constructor in WebDriver?
2nd round – TECHNICAL
Tell me about your project and responsibilities?
Which module u worked on ur project ?
Tell me the flow of your framework?
Write a
java code to read the data through excel file?
I have some reusable methods and i have some new
feture,so i want to acess the reusable methods to my current application,how
can i do that?
Is it possible to write the xpath using IE
What exactly your file structure looks like when
you are automating something by using of eclipse ?
How did you verify that given number on webpage
in sorted order ?
How can i do priority based testing using
webDriver ?
Write a login
code using page factory ?
Is that necessary to creat Generic Lib. For every project?
Write a code for screen shot ?
Have u ever faced like You don’t have
requirement document and You have to test,how wil you do that?
Why we r using some tool for reporting?
What is TestNg ?tell me the annotations of TestNG?
(if you are using TestNG)
Can you write a sample for parallel execution in TestNG.xml file?
How are you maintaining the objects in your
What is constructor ? what is super ()?
What is Encapsulation?
What is the difference between interface and
abstract class?
What is poly morphism?
X-path writing a confusion task for me, is there any way to find
webElement in UI?
How wil you capture the dynamic object using
selenium webDrive?
Tell me the syntax for Implicity wait() and
Explicity wait()
3RD round-maneger
Gv ur intro with your roles and responsibilities?
How many bug you hv found on your project?
Can you please explain flow of your project?
Nice explanation. What we can say about flow of module and project architecture ? Could u explain me ?