value labs testing interview questions
1st technical
From Java
1.What is the Difference between final,finally,finalize
2.what is the difference between Call by value and call by referance
3.How to find out the length of the string without using length function
4.How to find out the part of the string from a string
5.difference between throw & throws
He give Programes
1.Reverse a number
find the biggest number among these
simple string programe.
what is exception types of exception
From manual
what is the testcase technique
why we write test case.
bug life cycle
what are the different status of bug
what is the different between functional and smoke testing
what is STLC.
from Selenium
what is testng and its advantage
how to handle SSl/
how to handle alert
how to take screenshot
give the diagram write a scrpt..
tell me about Project .What are the challenge face during project
what is the difference between RC and webdriver
what is freamwork explain it.
why we use wait statement.
2nd technical
he gives a application & tell to write the scenario
some manual testing concepts.
1st technical
From Java
1.What is the Difference between final,finally,finalize
2.what is the difference between Call by value and call by referance
3.How to find out the length of the string without using length function
4.How to find out the part of the string from a string
5.difference between throw & throws
He give Programes
1.Reverse a number
find the biggest number among these
simple string programe.
what is exception types of exception
From manual
what is the testcase technique
why we write test case.
bug life cycle
what are the different status of bug
what is the different between functional and smoke testing
what is STLC.
from Selenium
what is testng and its advantage
how to handle SSl/
how to handle alert
how to take screenshot
give the diagram write a scrpt..
tell me about Project .What are the challenge face during project
what is the difference between RC and webdriver
what is freamwork explain it.
why we use wait statement.
2nd technical
he gives a application & tell to write the scenario
some manual testing concepts.