Automation Using Selenium Webdriver

Monday 10 October 2016

CTS Last Week Asked 2 Years Selenium Testing Position

  CTS Last Week Asked 2 Years Selenium Testing Position 

1. Can you write a dynamic xpath
2. What frame work is used in your project
3. Can you write a build.Xml
4. Write a query for self join
5. A flex board is produced from factory how do you test that
6. Write a code where there are 2 set's of key value pair, print the value only if keys and values are same
7. Have you worked on Unix
8. What are the advantages of pom frame work in selenium
9. As a qa engineer do you think known the backend process is important
10. What is non functional testing
11.Using which keyword we acquire the behavior of one class to another class

Execute Failed test cases using selenium Real-time Example

Most of the time we have faced this question in interviews that Can we execute only failed test cases in Selenium or can we identify only failed test cases in Selenium and re-run them.

I really love this feature of TestNG that you can run only failed test cases explicitly without any code. This can be easily done by running one simple testng-failed.xml.

                                    Execute Failed test cases using Selenium
                                           Real-time Example

Take an example that you have one test suite of 100 test cases and once you start execution of test suite there  are a number of chances that some test cases will fail.Consider 15 test cases are failing out of 100 now you need to check why these test cases are failing so that you can analyze and find out the reason why they have failed.

Note- Your script can fail due to so many reasons some of them are

1- Some locator has been changed in application because the application is getting new feature- so in this case you need to modify your script in other words you have to refine your script.

You can not avoid maintenance of test script you always have to maintain your scripts
2- Either functionality has been broken- in this case, you have to raise a defect and assign to the respective person.

Execute Failed test cases using Selenium

1-If your test cases are failing then once all test suite completed then you have to refresh your project . Right click on project > Click on refresh or Select project and press f5.

2-Check test-output folder, at last, you will get testng-failed.xml

3- Now simply run testng-failed.xml.


How to run testng-failed.xml
We don’t have to perform any other activity once you will  get testng-failed.xml double click on this and analyze which test case are failing and why . Then modify your script and run it.

To run above xml simple right click on xml then Select run as then TestNG Suite.

or more info visit TestNG official website
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How to create dependency between testcases in Selenium

I am sure you must be confused with Title like How to create a dependency between test cases in Selenium but in this post we will see this through example.

In real time, you will come across many situation where you have to create test cases which are dependent on the previous test case.

Take an example I have 3 test case.

First one which verify login credential and start application
Second test case check some validation  or do some activity
Third test case simply just for log-out activity.

If my first test case does not work (failed) that it does not make any sense to run second and third test case so in these type of scenarios you can use dependency between test case.

How can I do this?

TestNG already comes with this features so you can use the same with @Test annotations

Syntax- @Test(dependsOnMethods={"loginTestCase"})

public void testAccount()

// sample code

Syntax- @Test(dependsOnMethods={"loginTestCase"})

public void testAccount()

// sample code

How to create dependency between test cases in Selenium

It means this test case name testAccount depends on test case whose name is loginTestCase so until loginTestCase will not execute successfully this test case won’t execute so if loginTestCase will pass this test case will execute and if loginTestCase will fail then this test case won’t execute and runner will skip this test cases and this test case will come under skip test cases.

Let’s implement the same

package Demo;

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestMultiple {

public void testLogin()

System.out.println("login done");


public void testAccount()
System.out.println("Account has been created");


public void testLogout()



package Demo;

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestMultiple {

public void testLogin()

System.out.println("login done");


public void testAccount()
System.out.println("Account has been created");


public void testLogout()



In the above scenario if testLogin will pass then only testAccount will execute and testLogout will only execute of testLogin and testAccount will  be executed

but if testLogin will fail due to some error or exception the testAccount will not be executed and this test case will skip and testLogout is dependent on testLogin and testAccount so now this will also come into skipped category

Let’s implement again

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestApplication {

public void testLogin()

Assert.assertEquals("Selenium", "Selnium");
System.out.println("login done");


public void testAccount()

System.out.println("Account has been created");



public void testLogout()


import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestApplication {

public void testLogin()

Assert.assertEquals("Selenium", "Selnium");
System.out.println("login done");


public void testAccount()

System.out.println("Account has been created");



public void testLogout()




FAILED: testLogin
java.lang.AssertionError: expected [Selnium] but found [Selenium]
SKIPPED: testAccount
SKIPPED: testLogout

Default test
Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2

Default suite
Total tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2