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yourself tell something about your last project?
Count no. Of words and
sentence in notepad and arrange them in ascending order?
Write the format of XML file
Please explain your project
architecture with framework with diagram?
What are the
technical challanges you have faced?
. there are one string say
Aattribute , so write a code to find the repeated word in that string
and it should work for case
insensitive(work for lower case and upper case) ?
Write a query for self join?
how to take screenshot write
. if you have opened any web
application and it is broken means it has changed its layout and other thing which type of testing you will perform to check this?
What are the things u stored
in PageFactory ? Why ?
Explain TestNG?
What are the annotations U
have Used and why ?
Explain Agile Method?
What is StringBuffer and
Difference between delete
and truncate ?